Correlation Analysis between Tourists’ Personality Traits and Preferences of Travel Destination Choices-A Case study of Overseas Independent Travel of Elementary School Teachers / 旅遊人格特質與旅遊地選擇偏好之相關性研究─以國小教師海外自助旅行者為例

碩士 / 國立臺中教育大學 / 區域與社會發展學系碩士班 / 100 / This study investigates the correlation between tourist’s personality traits and the preferences of travelling destination choices. The studying subjects are elementary school teachers based in central Taiwan, who have travelled independently abroad before. The results are expected not only provide useful references to teachers when they plan to travel abroad, but also to travel agencies to understand and predict the consumer behavior better in order to improve their touring marketing strategies. The study uses the questionnaire method to collect relevant data. The questionnaire is comprised of three different parts: teachers’ attributes, tourist’s personality traits and the preferences of destination choices as travelling abroad independently. The data includes 327 valid respondents. I conduct descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and a correlation analysis by using statistical software SPSS.

The results show: (1) Among tourist’s personality traits, the intellectualism type ranks first, following by the general sightseeing type. (2) In the preferences of destination choices as travelling abroad independently, the touring facility is at the top of the list, following by the cultural differences. (3) Attributes of the elementary school teachers lead to different tourist’s personality traits significantly. (4) Attributes of the elementary school teachers cause significant differences among the preferences of destination choices as travelling abroad independently. (5) Tourist’s personality trait of elementary school teachers from central Taiwan has significant correlation with the preferences of destination choice as travelling abroad independently.

Based on the results of this study, some recommendations are provided for travel agencies to do their overseas independent travelling marketing strategies as well as promotion packages for elementary school teachers. Finally, this study also points out potential researching directions for future studies.
Date January 2012
CreatorsChen, Ching-Hsuan, 陳靜萱
ContributorsHsueh, Ya-Hui, 薛雅惠
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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