GIS-Based Site-Specific LCA and Its Application to Assessing Local Environmental Impact in The SEA of Central Government / 地理資訊系統為基礎的場址特定性生命週期評估:應用於中央政策環評的地方環境衝擊

碩士 / 明志科技大學 / 環境與資源工程研究所 / 102 / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a systematic decision support process. It considers about the influencesfrom policy, plan, program and alternative scenarios for environmental protection and assists decision-makersto make the sustainable decisions. But the matrix items of SEA results lack objective quantification. Fortunately, it can be fixed by a merit of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)—high quantification. The SEA of central government is comprehensive consideration and large-scale assessment. But it is necessary to consider the impacts for local environment, such as sustainable development in local. Therefore, considering a small space-scale assessment could optimize SEA and make a beneficial decision.
Site-generic life cycle assessment (SGLCA) does not consider the spatial attribute of emission sites and impact sites for environmental impacts. Site-dependent characterization factors (SDCF) could solve a part of SGLCA limits. But, if emission sites and impact sites are in the same region such as a country or a state, the scale is still too wide. The studies about site-specific life cycle assessment (SSLCA) are few because LCA does not focus on the local impacts. And SSLCA is usually considered so complicated that coats a lot for collecting the local basic data.
According to the back ground of above, the aims of this study: (1) build a method basic on geographic information system (GIS)—GIS-LCIA. It is according to results of SGLCA or SDLCA to assess the fateand exposureof pollutants by spatial attribute.Then, GIS-LCA could allocate the result of SSLCA. (2)GIS-LCIA is as a SEA assessment tool to assess the environmental impacts of central government SEA to local SEA. (3) Using life cycleinventory (LCI) basic on site-specific—SSLCI to allocate pollutants resources according to power and fuel for spatial differentiation.
This study analyzes a SEA case of refuse resource recovery plant transforms to bio-energy center. From human health impact assessment results for each county (or city), it shows the original scenario for impacts of Kaohsiung City is the highest, New Taipei City is nest. The main scenario is through mechanical heat treatment system and torrefaction process to produce Bio-coal. Then, it co-fires with coal in power plant. The result shows the impact of Taipei City is the highest. The alternative scenario is producing refuse derived fuel by wastes. The result is the same to original scenario. Additionally, the ecosystem impact assessment results also show the impacts for three scenarios.The result of main scenario for the highest level is Taipei City. And both of other two scenarios for the highest level are New Taipei City.
Date January 2013
CreatorsPo-Chun Yeh, 葉勃均
ContributorsKevin Fong-Rey Liu, 劉豐瑞
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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