The Changes of Related Indices of Psycosocial Recovery for Heroin Users –Therapeutic Community vs Methadone Maintenance Treatment / 海洛因使用者相關心理社會復原指標之改變-治療性社區與美沙冬替代療法之比較

碩士 / 國立彰化師範大學 / 復健諮商研究所 / 101 / Research Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of two treatment models for heroin users, one is the newly established therapeutic community (TC) and the other is methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). The related indices of psycosocial recovery (including severity of heroin dependence, family support, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression) were measured and compared to understand the effects of two models at the times of their admission, after one month, and three months.

Research Method: This study uses archives analysis, including TC archive (N=70, 2007.02-2012.03) and MMT archive (N=273, 2007.01-2011.12), which belonged the same psychiatric institution. The methods of descriptive statistics, univariate analysis and t-test were used Generalized estimating equation (GEE) was used to examin the differences of change between two different treatment models.

Research Results: (1) Heroin users enter into TC after one month , their related indices of psycosocial recovery except family support and impulse control, another three indices of recovery including severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, and the degree of depression are obtained remarkable improvement. Entering into TC after three months except family support, another four indices of recovery including severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression are obtained remarkable improvement. Compare with entering into TC after one month , while three indices, severity of heroin dependence, impulse control and the degree of depression, are still improved remarkably. (2) Heroin users enter into MMT after one month, their related indices of psycosocial recovery except family support, another four indices of recovery including severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression are obtained remarkable improvement. Entering into MMT after three months except family support, another four indices of recovery including severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression are obtained remarkable improvement. Compare with entering into MMT after one month, while only one index, severity of heroin dependence, is still improved remarkably. (3) Heroin users enter different treatment models of TC and MMT. Between one month of treatment and admission, differences of remarkable change about related indices of psycosocial recovery only happened at severity of heroin dependence and the degree of depression. During this phase, the treatment outcomes of TC for severity of heroin dependence and the degree of depression is better than MMT apparently. Between three months of treatment and admission, similarly differences of remarkable change about related indices of psycosocial recovery only happened at severity of heroin dependence and the degree of depression. During this phase, the treatment outcomes of TC for severity of heroin dependence and the degree of depression is better than MMT apparently , too.

Conclusion and Suggestion: The treatment outcomes of MMT for related indices of psycosocial recovery (severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression) are effective. TC owns the same efficiency, better than MMT is that the treatment outcomes of TC for severity of heroin dependence and the degree of depression is better, and free drug medicine has no physical side effects as well. Only the treatment outcome of family support is in vain for both of treatment models. A important finding is that during three months of treatment, related indices of psycosocial recovery (self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression) cease making porgress after accepting MMT for one month. While only one index of recovery, self-efficiency, ceases making porgress after accepting TC for one month, the other of related indices of psycosocial recovery (severity of heroin dependence, self-efficiency, impulse control and the degree of depression) are still improved. Therefore, when developing the treatment models of drug user, the government should not only think about the factors of treatment outcomes and the choices of the treatment models for patients, but also taking multicultural values into account
Date January 2013
Contributors王敏行 博士
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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