Images with Muiltiple Meanings Applied on Poster Design - A Case Study on Gender Issues / 複合意象應用於海報創作-以性別議題為例

博士 / 國立高雄師範大學 / 視覺設計學系 / 101 / Gender issue had been discussed for a few years, at the first, women’s right grow up, and the multiple gender issue added to the campaign. Although gender issue had been discussed in Taiwan, but we could see a lot of genderist incidents happened in society, and some genderist diction on media, even on individual. All of those we could see there have sexual discrimination in our society.
I used multiple images to design the gender posters, muiltiple meanings are a great skill to design posters. So I have questionnaires after my poster exhibition, that make my research more credible. We could see the results of questionnaires that some posters or some images are not understanding to viewers. The results of questionnaires could let people use in the related researchs.
I hope to point the gender issues on my creations by posters design. In addition to express the concept on creations, I also notice the sense of beauty on the visual and layout. This research will convey the importance of gender issues. Taking down the social issues by posters design, and make viewers to think more about gender issues.
Date January 2013
Contributors, 蔡頌德, 吳仁評
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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