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A Study of the Development of Standard Assessment Indicators for Low-carbon Communities – The Case of Kinmen Island / 低碳社區評核基準指標建置之研議-以金門島為例

碩士 / 國立金門大學 / 建築學系 / 102 / Abstract
There is increasing realization of the need to design and construct low-carbon communities in order to fight the global warming effect, a constant threat to the environment and the economy caused by extreme weather. In response to this, the Executive Yuan resolved to develop the “Low-Carbon City Promotion Project,” an item below the core issue of “Sustainable Development and Energy Security,” at the 2009 National Energy Conference held in April 2009.
If urban planning can be done through a sensible and comprehensive development plan that takes into consideration the concepts of “Ecology,” “Energy Conservation and Waste Reduction,” and “Health and Comfort”, and at the same time considers the following aspects, greenhouse gas emissions can be effectively reduced: “Construction Waste Reduction,” “Renewable Energy,” “Innovative Conservation Measures,” “Water Resource Management, Reclamation and Reuse,” “Recycling and Reuse of Resources,” “Carbon Neutrality Measures,” “Community Function,” “Low-carbon Lifestyle,” “Low-carbon Transportation,” “Energy-Saving Buildings.” Once the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is achieved, the prototype for a “Low-carbon Community” can be obtained, and it can be further expanded into a “Low-carbon City,” which hopefully can enhance the comfort of the living space and its surrounding environment, as well as slow down the pace of global warming.
With regard to the living environment, the assessment standards are designed in accordance with the following fourteen categories: “Quantitative Indicators for Design,” “Qualitative Indicators for Design,” “Community Facilities,” “Form and Space,” “Transport Connectivity,” “Behavior Change,” “Waste Management,” “Materials Used,” “Water Resource Management, Reclamation and Reuse,” “Ecological Protection and Environmental Greening,” “Energy Demand,” “Energy Generation,” “Facilities Management,” and “Governance and Reporting.”
Appraisal of appropriateness of total gross floor area, plan for reducing environmental hard carbon and carbon footprint, plan for the establishment of ecological ponds and reduction of water footprint management, or the establishment of low-energy buildings or even energy-plus buildings, are all indicators towards a carbon-neutral world. This thesis also proposes the following regulations for the development of a “low-carbon community”: “Assessment Indicators for the Development and Design of Low-carbon Communities,” “Design Regulations for Low-carbon Model Communities and Low-carbon Buildings,” “Detailed Assessment Items for the Design of Low-carbon Buildings,” and “Detailed Assessment Items for the Development and Design of Low-carbon Communities.”
It is hoped that this thesis will serve as useful reference material for the general public, non-governmental organizations, urban planning technicians, architects, and other professionals.
Date January 2014
CreatorsYao-nan Liang, 梁耀南
ContributorsHua-yueh Liu, 劉華嶽
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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