The Effect of Auditors Jumping Ship on Clients’ Following, Market Reaction and Audit Quality / 會計師跳槽後,客戶跟隨與否與市場反應、審計品質之影響

碩士 / 國立臺灣大學 / 會計學研究所 / 102 / This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is that if auditor jumps ship, whether the clients follow them or not. Second part is the relationship between the news of the first part and the market reaction. The last section investigates how audit quality would change after auditor jumps ship.
This study selects 1753 public companies as observation samples which need to decide whether they should follow their jumping-ship auditor to change the accounting firm or not.
In the circumstances which auditor change the accounting firm not because two accounting firms merge together, the empirical result of the first part shows that the longer the audiotrs serve the clients, the higher possibility the companies would follow the auditors to change the accounting firm. If two auditors change the accounting firm from Non-Big4 (Big4) to Big4 (Non-Big4), the listed and OTC companies would have higher (lower) possibility to follow auditors. With the higher discretionary accruals, the companies would be more likely to follow the auditors to change the accounting firms. If more than two auditors change the accounting firm and they change to the same accounting firm, the public companies would be more likely to follow them to the new accounting firm only in the situation that the first auditor changes the accounting firm. With the longer auditor tenure and higher discretionary accruals, the listed and OTC companies would have more chances to follow the auditor to change the accounting firm. If two auditors and only the first auditor change the accounting firm from Non-Big4 to Big4, the clients with higher discretionary accruals would have larger possibility to follow auditors to change the accounting firm. In the circumstances that two auditors and only the first auditor change the accounting firm, if more than two aouditors change the accounting firms and they change to the same accounting firm, the public company with higher discretionary accruals would be more likely to follow auditors to the new accounting firm.
For the second section, the empirical results indicate that the companies which follow the industry specialist auditor to change the accounting firm and follow the auditor from non-Big4 to Big4 get the positive market reaction in the circumstances which auditor changes the accouting firm not because accounting firms merge together in the window(-1,1) and (-1,2). Besides, the companies which follow the auditor change the accouting firm from Big4 to Big4 also have the positive market reaction.
For the last part, in the circumstances which auditors change the accounting firm not because the accounting firms merge together, the empirical results shows that if the listed and OTC companies do not follow the two longer tenure auditors or only the first longer tenure auditor to change the accounting firm, the audit quality would be improved. So does the companies which follow the auditor change the accounting firm from non-Big4 to Big4. In the circumstances which auditors change the accounting firm because accounting firms merge together, if the listed and OTC companies follow the longer tenure auditors to change the accounting firm, the audit quality would be worse. If the clients do follow auditors to change the accounting firm from non-Big4 (Big4) to Big4 (non-Big4), the audit quality would also be improved (worse).
Date January 2014
CreatorsLan-Hsin Kao, 高嵐芯
ContributorsTay-Chang Wang, 王泰昌
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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