Finding our way home: a self-narrative about life transformation experience in Alzheimer''s journey. / 幽冥中尋找回家的路-我與母親同歷阿茲海默長旅生命轉化經驗敘說

碩士 / 淡江大學 / 教育心理與諮商研究所碩士班 / 102 / The topic of this thesis focuses on the life transformation of my mother and I as we went through the journey of Alzheimer’s disease. This thesis contains seven chapters. Chapter 1 explains research motivation, my narrative experience, and the utilization of narrative as research method.

Chapters 2 to 4 contains text based on my personal experiences, presenting the mother-daughter relation and our life situation: Chapter 2 provides background information, as well as our life and relationship states before Alzheimer’s journey. Chapter 3 records the mother’s voluntary healing movements and I, as a co-participant, observer and caretaker, my internal flow and experiences through the Alzheimer’s journey, and describes internal landscape or emerging imagery and dreams that I am aware of to portray the transformation process. Chapter 4 sees transformation through the change of attitude toward death anxiety.

Chapter 5 offers in-depth understanding on the text and tries to have a dialog with the theory, including the imagery and symbol emerge from the process of text writing, and my understanding of our life process and the long journey of Alzheimer’s disease. I also attempt to explore my experience and the meaning of disease and its relationship to individuation process from Jungian theory.

Chapter 6 is about my insight and discovery during the narrative process. Chapter 7 is conclusion, integrating insight gained from the aforementioned life process and transformation experiences, connecting with the meaning of the “wounded healer”.
Date January 2014
CreatorsAn-Chi Chen, 陳安琪
ContributorsMing-Lei Yang, 楊明磊
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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