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Discussion of Three Cases on‘Xian Ren’ from “Shui Hu Zhuan”、“Jin Ping Mei”、“Hong Lou Meng”. / 閒人三論:《水滸傳》、《金瓶梅》到《紅樓夢》的探討

碩士 / 國立中央大學 / 中國文學系 / 103 / The goals of this essay are by studying the related characters in the three classical novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties to highlight the dialectical interpretation of the culture identity of the‘Xian Ren’(閒人)group and wish the revelation of this case study having the subsequent construction of the genealogy.
Back to roots, the group can be traced to the last of nine occupations of the people of the “Zhou li"(周禮),‘Xian Min’(閒民),which means people with no fixed and changing occupations;from a metaphysical dialectic perspective, the no fixed and the changing are inter-inventing with extended meaning of the‘Xian’(閒)of transcending and the‘Xian’(閑)of exclusion in “Shuo Wen Jie Zi”(說文解字);in the practice of competency, on the one hand,‘Xian Ren’evolved into the competent hanger―ons of “Du Cheng Ji Sheng”(都城紀勝)and“Meng Liang Lu”(夢粱錄)of the Southern Song dynasty,especially of “Shui Hu Zhuan”(水滸傳);on the other side,“Xian Ren”(閒人)also developed from celebrated scholars of “Shi Shuo Hsin Yu”(世說新語), the poets of the Tang and Song dynasties like Bai Juyi(白居易) and Su Shi(蘇軾) into Jia Baoyu(賈寶玉),who is 'rich and honourable idler.' and fussing for nothing.As for “Shui Hu Zhuan”(水滸傳),the people,who are hanger―ons but refer to themselves as agents to enforce justice on behalf of heaven, should be called ,according to the opinions of Lu Xun(魯迅) nicknamed ‘San Xian’(三閒) of three leisure,the‘Xian Ren’of helper∙
Date January 2015
CreatorsPei-ting Chao, 趙珮珽
ContributorsLai-shin Kang, 康來新
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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