The Parental Origins of Soil in Taiwan's Mountains and the Paleoenvironmental Significance : An Example in Central High Altitude Mountains / 臺灣高山土壤母質來源及其在古環境之意義-以中部高海拔山區為例

碩士 / 國立彰化師範大學 / 地理學系 / 103 / The podzolic soil with characteristic E horizon (eluvial horizon) are widely distributed in the mountainous area of Taiwan where the altitude greater than 3000 meters above sea level. These soils were developed in favor of the cold and humid climate. In this study, four soil profiles were sampled from Hehuan Mountain (HHM, HWS), Nanhua tianchi (NH), and Batongguan (BTG).
After experimental analysis, soil texture is silt and silty loam, high soil organic carbon, low soil cation exchangeable capacity, low soil exchangeable bases, low soil base sturation perentage, soil strontium isotope ratios is 0.70997~ 0.72214. Soil classification in accordance with the classification standards of the U.S. Department of Agriculture soil classification system is Typic Humicryepts. The bimodal pattern on the particle size distribution indicates a source of eolian material about 10μm in size for these soils. As a result, these soils were developed by in-situ weathering with addition of eolian particles which support the climate change indicated from field observation.
The soil development index show the extent of soil genesis fairly, but the lower sequence of soil evelopment index is higher than the upper sequence, indicating the changes in climate during soil genesis.
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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