The Study on the Operational Efficiency of Public, Mixed Private-public-ownership, and Private Banks:An Evidencefrom Financial Crisis / 我國純公股銀行、泛公股銀行及民營銀行經營效率之分析:以金融海嘯為例

碩士 / 國立彰化師範大學 / 企業管理學系 國際企業經營管理(IMBA) / 103 / This study primarilyexplores the difference of operational efficiency betweenpublic,mixedprivate-public-ownership andprivate banks in Taiwanafter the 2008 financial crisis. Furthermore,in order to examine the operational efficiency and banking scopes before and after the financial crisis, this study also accesses the operational efficiency of sampling banks by the dataenvelopmentanalysis and finds out the efficient determinants of the sampling banks by Tobit regression model. This study focuses on the public and private banks as the subjects from 2005 to 2014. From the empirical evidence, we find out the public bank sectors outperform the privatein terms of the operational efficiency after the financial crisis. However, we couldn’t find out whether or not themixed private-public-ownership banks sectorsachieve better operational efficiency than the private.This study, contributes financial regulations and policiesto the decision-makers of government for reference by empirical evidence. Besides, in order to enhance the operational efficiency, it also addresses the dilution of public ownership in the public banking sector and offers the suggestions.
CreatorsJung-Yung Chang, 張榕詠
ContributorsChia-Yu Chiang, 江家瑜
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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