Leisure Involvement, Leisure and Well-being Hindered Relationship - A Case Study of Kenting Houbihu Divers / 休閒涉入、休閒阻礙與幸福感關係之研究 -以墾丁後壁湖潛水者為例

碩士 / 國立高雄應用科技大學 / 觀光與餐旅管理研究所 / 104 / Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and is composed of chains of islands. There’s also
nearly 1,600 km coast line which in every part of them has different kinds of water and diversity of natural scenery that offers develop chance to all kinds of water activities. And Taiwan has unique undersea scenery which is a huge advantage for diving development.
In July 15, 1986, Scuba Diving is flourish after Taiwan declare Military martial law. And because of the world’s known Scuba Diving Organization introduced the complete instruction and technology, also all kinds of sophisticated equipment invade the market, that opens the door to the mysterious sea world which Taiwan has never encountered before. This makes Scuba Diving become one of people’s water activities.
The primary goal of this study is to discuss the relationship of Fun Diving
involvement in Kenting Hou -Bi Lake, leisure constraints and happiness, also to discuss every Fun Diving divers’ differences of society background statistical variables, leisure involvement, leisure constraints and happiness. This study is using convenience sampling and is based on those Fun Diving divers who go to Kenting. We used questionnaire and sent out 450 surveys and collect back 393 valid surveys, that is 87% of valid survey rate. And the data runs through SPSS20.0 Statistical Software that uses Descriptive statistics, Reliability analysis, Project analysis, Factor analysis, Independent-Samples t Test, One-way analysis of variance and Multiple regression analysis to Analysis of data validation. And the results are:
1. Part of divers background variables of leisure involvement has significant differences.
2. Part of divers background variables of leisure constraints has significant differences.
3. Part of divers background variables of happiness has significant differences.
4. Leisure involvement has a part of positive significant differences to happiness.
5. Leisure constraints has a part of positive significant differences to happiness.
Based on the result, here are some advices:
1. Can open advance or up classes to increase the attraction towards Scuba Diving and increase divirs’ to devote themselves into diving activities more. Even can develop the variety of more ways of leisure.
2. Can conduct market survey based on different ages to learn more about their needs and focused on the divers’ plans or course to increase the motive to participate diving.
3. Can take the advantage of students have Summer and Winter break. Design Summer or Winter course specific for them so it can be convenient for them to participate diving activities.
4. People who are in Service industry don’t have the same beak as others so we can plan a non-vacation day’s diving agenda for them.

Date January 2016
CreatorsTung Wen-Hsiang, 董文祥
ContributorsWang, Ming-Yuan, 王明元
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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