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Re-reading Wu Zhuoliu's The Orphan of Asia from the Framework of the Fictional Landscape / 從小說地景重讀吳濁流之《亞細亞的孤兒》

碩士 / 國立交通大學 / 客家文化學院客家社會與文化學程 / 104 / ABSTRACT

The thesis studies Wu Zhuoliu’s The Orphan of Asia with the concept of landscape with an attempt to argue that the protagonist of the novel Hu Taiming (often read as the writer himself) can be associated with Jia Baoyu, protagonist of The Dream of Red Chamber. This reading features the character of Hu/Wu that attributes the tragedy of Taiwan as a Japanese colony to the modern concept from the West, i.e., the reason of state, and to the Taiwanese traitors who flatter the colonizers.
The Japanese colonial system is the source of fear, anger and madness for Hu Taiming, and hence is the object of comparison with the traditional governing system Hu is familiar with since his childhood. The traditional system, from the framework of landscape arrangement, includes Confucian ceremonies, Buddhist and Daoist view of the universe, simple and honest human relations, and the ethos of traditional literati, all of which represent the basis of healthy life.
The process of my argument goes with the presentation of the problematic in Chapter One, followed by the genealogical study of literary landscape in The Dream of the Red Chamber and its comparison with The Orphan of Asia in Chapter Two. The focus of discussion is based on the spatial classification, which includes the mythical world, the house as the ceremonial space, and the garden as the space of individual freedom. In Chapter Three, Hu Taiming is compared as Ja Baoyu, as their gender and sexual experiences, led by their spatial consciousness, cause the disillusion of their world view.
In the final chapter I suggest that the usual interpretation of the end of the novel—Hu’s madness—be understood as the connotation of liberation, just like Jia Baoyu, with an implication of surviving in the state of commotion.
Date January 2015
CreatorsLiu,Mei-Hua, 劉美華
ContributorsChiang,Shu-Chen, 蔣淑貞
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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