Foreign Imports, Local Products, Souvenirs: Take Tea, Pineapple and Mango as an Example / 舶來・土產・伴手禮:以茶、鳳梨、芒果 為論述對象

碩士 / 國立中央大學 / 中國文學系 / 104 / Tea, Pineapple and Mango is the three most competitive products in Taiwan.In fact, the three local products are not original in Taiwan, but from abroad. Now the three products have taken root here in the past 2, 300 years, making them proud of Taiwan. Globalization from below, putting the three products into the world trade. The commercial marketing combining the Culture Creativity is very popular in the recent years, making the most of value in Economics and Culture. How to use cultural marketing strategies to promote tea, pineapple and mango into an artistic souvenirs for taking the preemptive opportunities in the marketing. The study will focus on the industrial history at first and go on to industry in the current status. The study will combine economics and culture in the industry and find a way of the industry in the future.
Date January 2016
CreatorsHsiao-ting Wong, 翁曉婷
ContributorsChen-fu Yeh, 葉振富
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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