Young Taiwanese's Image of a city in an owned media era - the Image of Shanghai on Instagram / 自媒體時代下台灣年輕讀者眼中之城市意象-以Instagram照片中的上海為例

碩士 / 國立政治大學 / 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 / 105 / In an owned media era, people can create owned media easily. They can always share photos during their travel time and shape urban images together with other readers. With the experiences of the author and consider the suitability of samples, this research will be based on Instagram, a social media platform focusing on photographs, and targeted on Shanghai. With “The Image of the City” of Kevin Lynch, “Original Image”, “Induced Image”, and “Complex Image” of Fakeye & Crompton, this research will be analyzing the difference between interviewees’ image towards Shanghai before and after visiting, and how they shape their urban image through their uploaded photographs. Through the research, the author wish to discuss the relationship between the constitute elements of urban image by different readers and the aspects of owned media era.
After the research, the author found out that readers’ original images come from subjective comments of their friends. Most original images include seeing Shanghai as a prosperous, diverse and an international city. Images after visiting start to diverse and conflict, especially on cultural literacy of the people in Shanghai. In own media era, four of the five elements, except for Edges, of Kevin Lynch are still applicable. In addition, the author established another important elements, people, foods, and spaces.

The photos provided by readers can be classified into people and landmarks. Through analyzing interviews, the reasons of uploading pictures are mostly things that are special, things or events that are memorable, dreams come true, photogenic, in a good mood and feeling superior. The author concludes that under owned media era, the subjectivity of “I” has been highlighted from the uploaded pictures and that also brings out the aspect of owned media era.
CreatorsHsieh, Meng Jin, 謝孟瑾
ContributorsTsai, Yean, 蔡琰
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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