The effects of dietary cholesterol and lecithin levels on the growth and survival of Australian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). / 飼料膽固醇和卵磷脂對澳洲紅螯螯蝦成長與活存之影響

碩士 / 國立嘉義大學 / 水生生物科學系研究所 / 106 / A 2*3 factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary cholesterol and phospholipids levels on the growth, survival, fatty acids composition, tissue triglycerol, cholesterol and phospholipids concentration. Basal diets supplemented with 0 or 0.5% cholesterol plus 0 or 2 or 4% phospholipids were fed to 120 individually reared Australian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) with initial weight of 12.0 g for 12 weeks.

The results showed that survivals of all groups were higher than 85% and no difference was observed. There was no significant difference in weight gain among all groups (p >0.05) although the shrimps fed with combination of 0.5% cholesterol and 0% phospholipids had the highest WG.

For the composition of the muscle, the amount of crude protein decreased as lecithin increased. Furthermore, for crayfish fed with cholesterol unsupplemented diet, there was a significant difference between in crude protein among group C0L4, and groups C0L0, and C0L2. There were no significant difference in ash, moisture, and crude lipid. Furthermore, no significant difference was observed in hepatopancreas composition.

The fatty acids of eighteen carbons were the major composition in red claw crayfish hepatopancreas and muscle, respectively accounted for 64.8% and 48.7%. C18:2 fatty acid increased with lecithin supplemented, but no difference with cholesterol supplemented. There was no significant difference in muscle (p>0.05). When the diets phospholipids content was 8.1179 mg/kg, the C24:1 fatty acid in the muscle was significantly higher than the other groups. Moreover, cholesterol supplemented groups were significantly higher than no cholesterol supplemented groups (p<0.05).
Date January 2018
CreatorsYi-Liang, Tsai, 蔡依良
ContributorsHuang, Chen-Huei, 黃承輝
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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