Exploration about Behavioral Intention of Outbound Individual Travelers to Smart Pocket Translator – Integrating TAM, IDT and Perceived Value / 海外自助旅行者對語音翻譯行動裝置之行為意圖—科技接受模式、創新擴散理論及知覺價值之整合

碩士 / 國立高雄餐旅大學 / 觀光研究所 / 106 / Self-guided Travel becomes the new trend of ways to travel nowadays. But without professional tourist guides, Individual Travelers may not have the ability to deal with accidents or communicating with locals in foreign countries because of their language ability, which may be causing worse travel experience. Smart Pocket Translator, which is rising devices in these years, mainly solving the problems causing by language barrier.
This research is mixing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) with Perceived Value, exploring Attitude toward Use and Behavioral Intention of Individual Travelers towards Smart Pocket Translator by quantitative research method. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed in Kaohsiung International Airport and Internet and 379 usable samples were obtained. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was implemented to analyze the validation of the research structure. According to analyzed result, Perceived Value, Observability and Compatibility have a significant positive influence to Attitude toward Use and Behavioral Intention of Individual
Travelers. Furthermore, the result is verifying the structure is suitable for exploring Acceptance of consumers to new products. The research suggests related departments to develop and marketing other languages that can be translated by Smart Pocket Translator besides Japanese because the low demand for Japanese-Chinese Translating and should concern the function, value and cost of Smart Pocket Translator is matching to consumer or not.

Date January 2018
CreatorsHoi, Chon-Kit, 許俊傑
ContributorsShih, Yueh-Chun, 石岳峻
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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