The partitioning of dissolved and particulate trace metals in the Danshuei River Estuary / 淡水河河口海域溶解態與懸浮態重金屬元素分佈研究

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 海洋環境資訊系 / 106 / The distribution and partitioning of trace metals (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) between dissolved and particulate phases were studied in the Danshuei River Estuary. The estuarine water samples were collected in July and December, 2017, and were analyzed the dissolved and particulate trace metal concentrations. The dissolved and particulate concentrations of trace metal in the water samples were pre-concentrated by the APDC+DDDC/Freon extraction method and a two-step, 1N HCl and aqua regia/HF total digestion, analytical method, respectively. The dissolved concentration ranges of trace metal in the estuarine water samples were as follow: Ag, <0.04-2.58 nM; Cd, 0.01-0.14 nM; Co, 0.13-5.22 nM; Cr(VI), 1.15-32.47 nM; Cu, 0.51-31.37 nM; Fe, 7.32-87.3 nM; Mn, 1.44-37.74 nM; Ni, 6.98-52.74 nM; Pb, 0.03-1 nM; and Zn, 1.52-9.85 nM. The distribution of these dissolved trace metals generally exhibited the addition behavior, suggesting a source input into the upper and middle estuary of the Danshuei River. The particulate concentration ranges of trace metal in the estuarine water samples were as follow: Ag, <0.01-2.07 ug/g; Cd, 0.04-1.15 ug/g; Co, 4.72-28.01 ug/g; Cr, 8.02-129.2 ug/g; Cu, 3.97-157.5 ug/g;Fe, 8329-24735 ug/g; Mn, 18.8-140.9 ug/g; Ni, 0.63-102.52 ug/g; Pb, 1.83-52.64 ug/g; and Zn, 11.21-57.96 ug/g. The particulate concentration of trace metals, except Ag and Cd, in the estuarine water samples were generally dominated in the residual fraction rather than the leachable fraction. While, the particulate concentrations of Ag and Cd, were dominated in the leachable fraction. Total concentrations of Fe, Cr, Pb and Zn in the estuarine water samples were mainly present in the particulate phase. In contrast, Ag, Cd, and Ni in the estuarine water samples were chiefly present in the dissolved phase. The partitioning of Co, Cu, Mn, and Ni is not easily specified because the partition variation of these metals was significant during the two surveys.
Date January 2018
CreatorsDai, Shi-Yan, 戴仕彥
ContributorsFang, Tien-Hsi, 方天熹
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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