Examination and Reflection of the Difficulties Faced by Separated Families using Ethics of Care: Focus on Taiwanese Families with Businesses or in Mainland China / 以關懷倫理學探究及反思兩地家庭困境 - 以海峽兩岸台商、台幹家庭為主

碩士 / 華梵大學 / 哲學系碩士班 / 107 / With the globalization competition and the internationalization of Taiwanese enterprises, a large number of employment talents have moved out. Countless domestic and overseas enterprises have been attracted to set up factories in mainland China, especially after the official launch of the reform and opening up policy by China in 1978. The cross-straits of Taiwanese companies have prompted a large number of employed people to travel to the mainland, thus creating hundreds of thousands of long distance families. Family’s intimacy and cohesiveness being tested due to the separation of family between the two sides. These long distance families forced to be pseudo-single-parent families as husbands from these families are working long term in mainland China, wives have to face all family chores alone. This situation can easily cause 1. Increase in female’s burden. 2. Deepen the excuse for evading traditional male’s responsibilities. 3. Absence of father's role in parenting.
Caring ethics speaks for women and begins with feminist appeals. Carol Gilligan(Carol Gilligan,1936-) is arguably the first representative of caring ethics. Her classic book, "In a Different Voice - Psychological Theory and Women's Development" hopes to track the development of different females through their voices. Noddings(Nell Noddings,1929-) is the first to emphasise the importance of caring while paying attention on carers and those being cared. Trento(Joan C Tronto,1952-) inherits the spirit of caring ethics of Gilligan and Noddings and tries to escape the entanglement of gender and care ethics, broaden the development of caring ethics. Expanded from subjective considerations to supportive objective social and political policies.
The main purpose of this paper is to explore possible dilemma arising from separation faced by wives and children staying in Taiwan and also husbands working alone in mainland China, find ways to ease these dilemmas. Through this study, the theories of combining morality and gender proposed by Gilligan and Noddings cannot help those women of long distance families in playing their roles. If caring is explained with women’s experience, women will be labelled as the best candidate of caring instead of helping them and the families in solving dilemma arisen from living apart. Caring ethics based on Trentto’s claim of transcend gender social political policy will be more effective in helping these separated families.

Date January 2019
CreatorsSU,TSUI-LING, 蘇翠玲
ContributorsCHEN,JEN-KUEN, 陳振崑
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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