Factors Influencing the Intention of Elementary School Single Teachers to Participate in Overseas Independent Travel / 影響國小單身教師從事海外自助旅行行為意圖之因素

碩士 / 南華大學 / 國際事務與企業學系公共政策研究碩士班 / 107 / This study mainly explores the factors that influence the intention of single primary school teachers to engage in overseas independent travel. By collecting secondary data as the basis of the questionnaire, this paper explores the motivation, hindrance motivation and willingness to participate in overseas independent travel of single primary school teachers in the form of questionnaires. In the first part of the study, the basic background of elementary school teachers, overseas tourism experience, tourism motivation, obstacles and tourism willingness were investigated. Furthermore, it explores whether there are significant differences in tourism motivation, obstacles and willingness among single primary school teachers from different backgrounds and different tourism behavior countries. Then it analyses the motivation and obstacle factors of single primary school teachersparticipation in overseas self-service tourism.
  The results are as follows:
1. single teachers in elementary schools have higher motivation and willingness to travel overseas, but there are also some obstacles.
2. single males in elementary schools are more likely to be hindered than females.
3. There are significant differences in obstacles and travel willingness among different travel times.
4. different overseas travel behaviors have significant differences in tourism motivation, obstacles and willingness to travel.
5. Obstacles have a negative impact on tourism intention.
  Finally, based on the results of this study, several suggestions are put forward to serve as a reference for single teachers, tourists and future researchers in elementary schools.

Date January 2019
CreatorsCHEN, CHING-YU, 陳靖玉
ContributorsCHANG, TZU-YANG, 張子揚
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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