The Effect of Salinity and Microalgae Species and Their Associated Densities on the Survival and Development of Larvae of Caridina serratirostris / 鹽度與微藻種類暨密度對齒額米蝦(Caridina serratirostris)蝦苗培育及蝦苗發育之影響

碩士 / 國立臺灣海洋大學 / 水產養殖學系 / 107 / The objective of this study is to investigate the optimal growth conditions for the larval culture of Ninja shrimp, Caridina serratirostris, so as to provide criteria guide line in seed production both for future commercial farming and wild population conservation. A series of experiments have been executed on the effects of salinity, microalgae species and microalgae density to do with the survival rate during larval culture. Additional larval survival and growth rate between the progenies of wild and artificially produced ones were compared. All the experiments initiated Zoea I stage at a density of 30 ind./L in a 2-liter beaker (3 replicates) with unified photoperiod (12L:12D), temperature (25±1℃) conditional parameters.
Result of feeding larvae with Tetraselmis chui (1.5x105 cells/ml) showed that the highest larval metamorphic survival rate (50%) occurred at a salinity of 25‰ significantly higher than that at 30‰ (28.9%), 20‰ (16.6%) and 15 ‰ (2.2%, the lowest).
Of the four Microalgal species, feeing ninja shrimp larvae at density of 1.5×105cell/ml found that T. chui exhibited highest metamorphic survival rate (31.1%) significantly higher than that group fed Chaetocero muelleri (5.3%). All shrimp larvae fed Isochrysis galbana and Thalassiosira weissflogii died at various stages before metamorphosis.
Of the algal density trial, five density levels of C. muelleri (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8) × 105 cell/ml and four for Tetraselmis chui (0.5, 1, 2, 4) × 105 cell/ml (triplicate) were fed to the larvae of each treatment. It was found that the highest survival rate (73.3 %) occurred at those larvae received T. chui density at 5×104 cells/ml which was significantly higher than the group at 1×105 cells/ml (50.0%), 4×105 cells/ml ( 27.7%) and 2×105 cells/ml (25.5%, the lowest); whilst, those received C. muelleri showed the highest survival rate (33.3%) at a density of 2×105 cells/ml significantly higher than the group at 1×105 cells/ml (7.8%). Zero survival rate occurred at too low (5×104 cells/ml) or too high (4×105, 8×105 cells/ml) of C. muelleri densities fed groups of larvae tested.
It is concluded that the optimal condition set for culturing ninja shrimp larvae, C. serratirostris be: larval culture density (30 ind./L), T. chui feeding density (5×104 cells/ml), photoperiod (12L: 12D), temperature (25±1℃). Detailed developmental stages and their associated keys are described throughout the duration from Zoea I to post larva stage within 22 - 24 days of culture.
Date January 2019
CreatorsLin, Yu-Hung, 林鈺洪
ContributorsHuang, Yii-Shing, 黃沂訓
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Type學位論文 ; thesis

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