A comparative, limnological study of five, small, eutrophic lakes in the Interior of British Columbia was made over a period of two summers. Detailed morphometrical, physical, chemical and biological data are given. The effect of a rotenone base compound on the fauna of two of these lakes is shown both qualitatively and quantitatively by comparing them with the faunas in other lakes. A complete eradication of the fish in the lakes was obtained. Certain species of plankton and bottom organisms were killed by the poison but sufficient numbers survived to re-populate the lakes. The plankton populations did not revert to the previous level of abundance in the year following. The effect of the absence of coarse fish on certain shore organisms and Gladocera was indicated. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
Identifer | oai:union.ndltd.org:UBC/oai:circle.library.ubc.ca:2429/41379 |
Date | January 1949 |
Creators | MacPhee, Craig |
Publisher | University of British Columbia |
Source Sets | University of British Columbia |
Language | English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Text, Thesis/Dissertation |
Rights | For non-commercial purposes only, such as research, private study and education. Additional conditions apply, see Terms of Use https://open.library.ubc.ca/terms_of_use. |
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