Projektering av vindkraftspark i Juddhult, Småland

<p>The aim with this study was to collect fundamental information, and to plan, a wind</p><p>power farm in Juddhult , Småland in southern Sweden. The goal is to collect the best</p><p>available projecting planning support. The pieces of this projecting planning support</p><p>that will be presented is; Environmental Consequence Description (MKB), production</p><p>calculations, comparisons between different plant types, economic calculations, evaluate</p><p>the economy and give some farm design suggestions. The imagined wind farm will be</p><p>located in forest environment and which may cause a number of new problems. Special</p><p>interest that will be affected, where special consideration because of the forest</p><p>environmental is requested is, hunting, wetlands, ancient monuments and wind</p><p>turbulence. To perform calculations of expected energy transformation, sound-, shadowand</p><p>landscape influence the program WindPro has been used for these calculations. The</p><p>economic calculation methods used in this project is the annual method and electricity</p><p>price prognosis. Among the results some interesting KPI (Key Performince Indicator) for</p><p>the wind farm is presented. To be able to do a risk analysis three scenarios has been</p><p>created, the worst case scenario, the most likely scenario and the best possible scenario.</p>
Date January 2008
CreatorsPettersson, Daniel, Svantesson, Per
PublisherHalmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), Högskolan i Halmstad/Sektionen för Ekonomi och Teknik (SET)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, text

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