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Samhällskritik från gatan : En studie av argumentationen i hiphopmusiken utifrån ideologi

Purpose: Which type of social critique does hiphop music present and is it possible to categorize the critique? Is it possible to categorize the social critique ideologically on the basis of socialism, liberalism and conservatism? Procedure and method: A qualitative text method has been used to see which arguments the songs portray. Two different analyzes has been used. The first one was a theory based on Thomas Denk and Daniel Silanders book: Att studera demokratisering and Arvidssons book: Musik och politik hör ihop and its purpose were to categorise the critique. The second one was based on a book by Reidar Larssons: Politiska ideologier i vår tid. With the purpose to ideologically classify the critique. Results: The social critique that was found in the songs where the following: poverty, education system, ethnicity, racism, elite governing, misused power by the police, welfare, religion, justice system, ghettos and the war on Iraq. The social critique came from socialism and liberalism. The arguments from socialism where the class society and the critique that came from the liberalisms side was: political power, freedom and harassment from the police. Conservatism was not represented in the songs.
Date January 2009
CreatorsGustafsson, Johan
PublisherHögskolan i Kalmar, Humanvetenskapliga institutionen
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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