A Study on the Implementation of Gamification in a Stock Market Smartphone Application

In Business-to-Customer as well as in Business-to-Business relationships, having a good communication with your customers is important to deliver good quality services to current customers as well as to attract new ones. In this thesis it has been investigated if the relatively new design practise “Gamification” implemented in a smartphone application(app) can be used to strengthen the communication between the swedish stock market NGM and its customers; multiple corporations from different industries listed at NGM. Gamification is using elements of game design in non-game contexts with the goal of enhancing the user’s value creation. It is most often seen in smartphone apps used in everyday life, such as when a built-in GPS helps a runner to beat his or her personal record. The idea behind gamification offered by businesses is to replace loyalty programs that only offers economic benefits and instead offer the customer a possibility of personal development eventually in combination with economic or social ben- efits. Thus, when implementing gamification the domain for the user’s value creation that is to be offered must be found, the so-called “core-offer”. By performing a qualitative analysis of interviews with NGM employees and representatives from corporations listed at NGM it was shown that gamification should be implemented in the new app if the core-offer was to help the corporations to better their investor relations.

Date January 2015
CreatorsSproge, Åsa
PublisherKTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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