Development of a peer-to-peer web application for sales of used course literature with focus on usability

This bachelor thesis investigates the development of a peer-to-peer web application thatfocuses on improving the secondhand book handle of course literature between students atLinköpings University. The focus is on usability such as navigability and user interface de-sign. Through a combination of surveys, prototypes, and user tests, this study investigatesthe preferences and behaviors of university students concerning buying and selling usedcourse literature. To discover insights and what strategies enhance a peer-to-peer webapplication for secondhand books, readers are invited to explore the extensive analysisand results detailed in this report. A prototype of the web application was developed and iteratively improved throughuser feedback, focusing on improving the user experience by optimizing the navigabilityand interface design to meet the users’ expectations. Key findings include the criticalrole of the navigation bar and drop-down menus in user navigability, and the importanceof clear, engaging introductory text on the landing page for user engagement. Designconsistency was notably improved through a simplified color scheme and well-integratedsearch functionalities, although suggestions for reducing the search feature’s sensitivity tospelling errors were highlighted as a potential improvement.
Date January 2024
CreatorsKujanpää, Jesper, Neij, Sofia, Hedrén, Lovisa, Åstrand, Benjamin, Dahlquist, Hugo, Simander, Olof, Baker, Oscar, Molla, Sherwan
PublisherLinköpings universitet, Institutionen för datavetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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