Service Quality Dimensions in an Online Context : -A Perspective Comparison of Service Recovery

Service quality and service recovery has been found to play a significant role in customer satisfaction and future purchase intentions. Many studies have been conducted on how to manage either the company perspective or customer perspective of these two concepts. Using the findings from five qualitative company interviews and three customer focus groups, this study addresses the purpose “to identify similarities and differences between the company and customer perspectives of service recovery in a quality system online”. The research identifies how companies in the service industry work with their websites and customer service as a tool for service quality and recovery. The company perspective is then compared to identified customer preferences in order to find similarities and differences that needs to be improved. The qualitative surveys are based on six dimensions of two existing models for service quality and service recovery online and the findings show similarities in all six dimensions, as well as several differences.
Date January 2012
CreatorsPersson, Josefine, Claesson, Amelie
PublisherLinnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNU, Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan, ELNU
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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