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Fly or Die : Converting The Game From SFML to Unity

Fly or Die was a first year project that became fairly successful. It won the Gamer’s Choice Award at the Swedish Game Awards 2013 and has been on display in many locations, both in Sweden and abroad. Recreating the game and porting it from SFML to Unity was sparked by winning the award and by all the attention that the game received prior to the conversion pro-cess. The final version requires the Unity 5 Personal Edition and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. The conversion process uses the old code base as a template and attempts to incorporate the same coding principles. In the new versions, all levels are built using many of the 2D fea-tures that Unity 5 offers, including that the game can be played with two to four players, and that some of the levels are enhanced or changed by adding additional graphics or game play enhancements. An approach to how the levels have been created and a comparison between the new and the old version is presented, including the differences, and why it was necessary to change certain aspects of some of the levels. The author thus recommends porting a game from a previous platform to Unity 5 in order to make it playable on a larger number of plat-forms, since the advantages of using an engine like Unity far outweigh the disadvantages.
Date January 2015
CreatorsOlaisen, Inge
PublisherUppsala universitet, Institutionen för speldesign
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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