Design of Optical Magnetic Systems for Terahertz Lensing / Design av magnetsystem för terahertz-optik

When graphene is subjected to magnetic fields, it can be used as an optical device with light in the terahertz region. The functionality of the graphene depends on which magnetic field profile is influencing it. In this project, magnet configurations producing uniform and quadratic magnetic field profiles were studied. A script was written that allowed the user to place dipoles and ring magnets in the proximity of a graphene disc. The script would then determine the necessary dimensions of the permanent magnets used to produce the target magnetic field. The resulting magnetic configurations have been shown to produce a magnetic field within ±1% of the target profile, on the specified domain. However, further studies are required to establish if the acquired configurations proves reasonable in practise, and if so, how well the corresponding optical devices will perform.
Date January 2021
CreatorsLidberg, Gustav, Pontén, Karl, Millberg, Johan
PublisherUppsala universitet, FREIA, Uppsala universitet, FREIA, Uppsala universitet, FREIA
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationMATVET-F ; 21015

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