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Language as an Identification Resource in Secondary English Teacher Preparation: An Analysis of Discourses

Teaching, Learning, and Diversity
Language as an Identification Resource in Secondary English Teacher Preparation:
An Analysis of Discourses
Frank Blake Tenore
Dissertation under the direction of Professors Kevin M. Leander and H. Richard Milner, IV
The topic of the research presented here was teacher educators and teacher candidates talk as an identification resource in the coursework of an undergraduate and Masters level secondary English teacher preparation program. Two research questions framed this study: What identity constructions of English teacher are available in the discourses of secondary English teacher preparation? How are the discourses and available identifications transformed through language use in course meetings? Participants in the study were two English teacher educators, twenty teacher candidates enrolled in two secondary English methods courses at a mid-sized, private, urban university, and five teacher candidates who agreed to participate in interviews and one focus group. Qualitative methods for data collection and analysis were used including semi-structured interviews, classroom observations with video- and audio-recording, constant comparative analysis, and discourse analysis. Findings were that participants talk was connected to prominent Discourses in the fields of English education and teacher education. Talk in the courses created specific identification opportunities for teacher candidates. Teacher candidates accepted, rejected, and transformed the available identifications through specific language use and genres of talk. Findings from this study have implications for structures and practices in teacher education and contribute to theory building of how teacher candidates become teachers who identify, or not, with particular conceptions of English teacher.
Approved_________________________________________ Date__________
Kevin M. Leander, Ph.D.
Approved_________________________________________ Date__________
H. Richard Milner, IV, Ph.D.
Date20 June 2014
CreatorsTenore, Frank Blake
ContributorsKevin M. Leander, Mark L. Schoenfield, Victoria J. Risko, H. Richard Milner, IV
Source SetsVanderbilt University Theses
Detected LanguageEnglish
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