The testing of Virginia brick as a building material

The series of tests described in this paper were undertaken particularly to determine whether or not building bricks made in this State were equal to those manufactured in other sections of the country, and especially equal to those products of adjoining states with which they come into competition through importation. As was anticipated the tests have demonstrated that in the qualities in which architects and builders are interested, Virginia building bricks can compete with those of any other state. / M.S.
Date January 1930
CreatorsBarnes, P. H.
ContributorsCivil Engineering
PublisherVirginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute
Source SetsVirginia Tech Theses and Dissertation
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis, Text
Format8 leaves, application/pdf, application/pdf
RightsIn Copyright,
RelationOCLC# 24455520

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