Senior executive service candidate development programs: a descriptive analysis of five federal agencies

In 1994, the Federal Government is projected to face a critical personnel problem that a large number of Senior Executive Service members will be eligible for retirement. The Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SESCDP) is a major program designed to train potential candidates for the Senior Executive Service positions. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides agencies with a broad guideline so that they are able to design their own development programs that best suit their needs and circumstances. After the completion of the program, the candidates’ qualifications will be reviewed by the OPM's Qualification Review Board. The qualified candidates, then, will receive certifications from the Qualification Review Board. However, this does not guarantee the candidates the SES placement.

The study investigates the SESCDP in several federal agencies, namely, the Department of Interior, the Department of Labor, the Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Small Business Administration. Specifically, it examines the agencies' values and philosophy (basic assumptions) of training the executives, the agencies’ succession planning, their implementation of the programs (the strengths and weaknesses), and their relationships with the OPM. One major purpose of the study is to examine the SESCDPs currently operated by the five federal agencies.

Based on government documents and an in-depth interview with the policy makers, experts, program coordinators, and participants, the data was analyzed across all five cases and in relation to Office of Personnel Management's framework. Through various methods of analysis--system analysis, strategic management, and other related executive development theories and learning theories, the results show four major issues of the federal agency SESCDP: 1) the lack of systematic program; 2) the lack of strategic succession planning; 3) the lack of career development planning and; 4) the impacts of the Clinton Administration on the program implementation. To counter the above problems, the author recommends that the federal executive development program should be systematically designed to provide career development to every federal employees at all levels and a system of strategic succession planning should be implemented government-wide. / Ph. D.
Date06 June 2008
CreatorsWangkajornwuttisak, Amporn
ContributorsPublic Administration and Public Affairs, Roback, Thomas H., Wolfe, James F., Colvard, James E., Martin, Philip L., McAlister, J. Douglas
PublisherVirginia Tech
Source SetsVirginia Tech Theses and Dissertation
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDissertation, Text
Formatxi, 251 leaves, BTD, application/pdf, application/pdf
RightsIn Copyright,
RelationOCLC# 31306805, LD5655.V856_1994.W364.pdf

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