The ladder load-flow method extended to distribution networks

The rigorous load-flow analysis of Distribution Networks requires the modeling of mutual coupling, multiphase possibilities and unbalanced loading. The Ladder Load-Flow Method meets these requirements, but is limited to radial systems. The Switch Compensation Method presented here, extends the Ladder Load-Flow Method to solve Distribution Networks. A network analysis program has been developed using the Electric Power Research Distribution Engineering Workstation (DEWorkstation). The program uses the pointers provided by the DEWorkstation to represent the connectivity of the system. The use of these pointers increases the speed of execution while naturally handling the sparsity of the system. The user is also provided with "on line" attribute and topological data maintenance. The extension technique is based on Thevenin's Theorem. This approach allows the accurate determination of the equivalent impedance for networks which contain series and shunt elements. The equivalent impedance can be changed during the iterative solution process. This allows the algorithm to simulate the operation of control devices which significantly alter the impedance of the network. A transformer model for the forward and reverse trace of the Ladder Method is also presented. / Ph. D.
Date14 August 2006
CreatorsEllis, Mikle Val
ContributorsElectrical Engineering, Liu, Yilu, De La Ree, Jaime, Fabrycky, Wolter J., Herdman, Terry L., Broadwater, Robert P.
PublisherVirginia Tech
Source SetsVirginia Tech Theses and Dissertation
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeDissertation, Text
Formatvii, 117 leaves, BTD, application/pdf, application/pdf
RightsIn Copyright,
RelationOCLC# 31228863, LD5655.V856_1994.E445.pdf

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