Students in the classroom: Engagement and perceptions of fairness

In this study, I examined high school students' level of engagement by exploring the relationship between students' phenomenological perceptions of fairness and their levels of engagement. This involved collecting and analyzing data based upon engagement and fairness scales that were created by a research team. Data were descriptively analyzed and factored to identify potentially distinct dimensions of fairness and engagement. Analysis included a correlation of four dimensions of fairness and five dimensions of engagement. Fairness and engagement were significantly related in almost all dimensions. One distinct finding was that "personal" perceptions of fairness were more correlated with engagement than other dimensions of fairness. When personal fairness was partialled out of the correlation, other dimensions of fairness failed to relate significantly with engagement. This suggests that personal experience of fairness has a more significant and salient affect on levels of engagement than any other identified dimension of fairness.
Date January 1997
CreatorsNichols, Sharon Louise, 1969-
ContributorsGood, Thomas L.
PublisherThe University of Arizona.
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Thesis-Reproduction (electronic)
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