Principles and methodology for computer-assisted instruction (CAI) design

As the role of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) rapidly expands in the educational and training efforts of all types of organizations, the need for well-designed, learner-centered CAI continues to grow. The CAI design principles and methodology proposed herein provide systems designers with a framework for designing effective, learner-centered CAI systems that support learning with information technologies. Implementing the framework should lead to CAI that better supports learners in the development of their mental schemas, and ultimately, in achieving their learning objectives. The primary goals of this research are two-fold. First, derive a theoretically and empirically-based set of CAI design principles directed at purposefully exploiting the unique capabilities of information technology to help learners develop their mental schemas. Second, codify a methodology for implementing these principles in the systems analysis and design process. Both goals are accomplished as follows. First, a literature review was undertaken to uncover features important for designing CAI to improve learning. Concurrently, the design features and functionality of several existing CAI were reviewed. A field study of one distinctive CAI was conducted to investigate and substantiate its effectiveness. Results indicated that learners using the CAI improved their achievement significantly more than learners who did not use the CAI. Moreover, learners attributed their improved performance to using the CAI. Based on the literature review, review of existing CAI, and the results of the field study, a set of principles and a methodology for designing CAI were derived. The design principles and methodology focus the CAI design process on supporting learners' development of their mental schemas. Finally, we designed, developed and implemented a prototype web based, multimedia training system in accordance with the proposed CAI design principles. As a partial instantiation of the proposed principles and methodology, this prototype CAI provides a proof-of-concept. The design and effectiveness of the prototype CAI has been tested in a series of experiments. The corroborating evidence from these studies indicates that the prototype CAI is well-designed, usable, and an effective training tool. The demonstrated success of the prototype provides evidence of the merits of the proposed principles and methodology.
Date January 2004
CreatorsCrews, Janna Margarette
ContributorsNunamaker, Jay F., Jr.
PublisherThe University of Arizona.
Source SetsUniversity of Arizona
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typetext, Dissertation-Reproduction (electronic)
RightsCopyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author.

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