An investigation into the design and performance of an automatic shape control system for a Sendzimir cold rolling mill

Shape (or flatness) control for rolled steel strip is becoming increasingly important as customer requirements become more stringent. Automatic shape control is now more or less mandatory on all new four-high cold mills, but no comprehensive scheme yet exists on a Sendzimir mill. This is due to the complexity of the control system design on such a mill, where many more degrees of freedom for control exist than is the case with the four-high mills. The objective of the current work is to develop, from first principles, such a system; including automatic control of the As-U-Roll and first intermediate roll actuators in response to the measured strip shape. This thesis concerns itself primarily with the As-U-Roll control system. The material presented is extremely wide-ranging. Areas covered include the development of original static and dynamic mathematical models of the mill systems, and testing of the plant by data-logging to tune these models. A basic control system philosophy proposed by other workers is modified and developed to suit the practical system requirements and the data provided by the models. The control strategy is tested by comprehensive multivariable simulation studies. Finally, details are given of the practical problems faced when installing the system on the plant. These include problems of manual control inter-action bumpless transfer and integral desaturation. At the time of presentation of the thesis, system commissioning is still in progress and production results are therefore not yet available. Nevertheless, the simulation studies predict a successful outcome, although performance is expected to be limited until the first intermediate roll actuators are eventually included in the scheme also.
Date January 1983
CreatorsDutton, Ken
PublisherSheffield Hallam University
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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