The permanent exclusion of Asian pupils in secondary schools in the Birmingham central area

In the context of racial discrimination and racism, particularly in Education, this study focuses upon a group of permanently excluded Asian pupils and aims to give an interpretation of their, and their parents’, perception of schooling in the central area of Birmingham. A literature review of current research, LEA’s response to exclusion, various educational legislation and its implications is included. The data were collected using 26 Exclusion Reports [13 Asian and 13 English pupils] from schools. Comparisons are made between the two different groups. Other methods include interviews of five permanently excluded Asian pupils and their parents, four Education Social Workers, Headteachers of secondary schools and a questionnaire to the Headteachers. The main themes that have emerged in this research related to schools are: racial discrimination and racism, shortage of Asian teachers and Asian Governors, a distinct lack of teachers’ understanding of racial and cultural issues, a dearth of policies on anti-racism, antisexism, multiculturalism and equal opportunities, and inadequate provision oi interpreting/translating services for non-English speaking parents in the schools. In conclusion, recommendations for LEA policies and for further research have been put forward.
Date January 1998
CreatorsMehra, Harish Kumar
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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