Multiple self-organised spiking neural networks

This thesis presents a Multiple Self-Organised Spiking Neural Networks (MSOSNN). The aim of this architecture is to achieve a more biologically plausible artificial neural network. Spiking neurons with delays are proposed to encode the information and perform computations. The proposed method is further implemented to enable unsupervised competitive and self-organising learning. The method is evaluated by application to real world datasets. Computer simulation results show that the proposed method is able to function similarly to conventional neural networks i.e. the Kohonen Self-Organising Maps. The SOSNN are further combined to form multiple networks of the Self-Organised Spiking Neural Networks. This network architecture is structured into <i>n</i> component modules with each module providing a solution to the sub-task and then combined with other modules to solve the main task. The training is made in such a way that a module becomes a winner at each step of the learning phase. The evaluation using different data sets as well as comparing the network to a single unity network showed that the proposed architecture is very useful for high dimensional input vectors. The Multiple SOSNN architecture thus provides a guideline for a complex large-scale network solution.
Date January 2009
CreatorsAmin, Muhamad Kamal M.
PublisherUniversity of Aberdeen
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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