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Modelling noise from rotating sources in subsonic and supersonic regimes

Noise is an environmental concern and due to the increasing interest in helicopters as an alternative inter-city transportation, research for more environment friendly helicopters is continuously growing. Building on this demand, this study aims at finding an efficient and accurate noise prediction tool for rotating sources. This study therefore investigates the modelling of noise from rotating sources such as helicopter rotors by addressing noise propagation in both subsonic and transonic/ supersonic regimes. The aim of this research is to explore the field of aeroacoustics prediction for rotor generated noise and to develop a noise prediction tool for sources moving in subsonic or supersonic flow regimes. The aeroacoustics predictions presented have been obtained using a hybrid approach. With such an approach the near field noise generation process is simulated by means of an aerodynamics prediction tool while the noise propagation to the near field is computed by mean of the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation in time domain. For the near-field aerodynamic calculations di erent CFD tools have been exploited. More precisely, three test cases have been analysed. For the first test case of 2D aerofoil-vortex interaction, reproducing the experimental campaign of Lee et al., the near-field is computed via the commercial software Fluent. The unsteady implicit Euler solver with second order discretisation both in space and in time is exploited. This uses the ROE FDS scheme for the fluxes calculation. The same solver is used in the near-field simulations of the third test case, where the analysis of a non-lifting hovering rotor is carried out in delocalised conditions, reproducing the experiments of Purcell on the UH1H model rotor. The second test case analysed is based on the HELISHAPE experimental campaign for the ONERA model rotor in BVI conditions. Two comprehensive codes, from Agusta-Westland and Roma Tre, are used to simulate the complex aeromechanics of the rotor in low speed descent. The noise propagation phase has been performed via the new noise prediction tool developed during this study, named HelicA (for Helic-opter A-coustics). This tool is based on the Emission Surface formulation and exploits a novel root finder and Emission Surface construction algorithms. It can use control surfaces which are in subsonic or transonic/supersonic conditions. Verification and validation processes have been performed on the noise prediction tool before using this code in the aforementioned test cases. These processes are based on the comparison of the tool’s predictions with available analytical and numerical results. The verification and validation cases include sources moving at Mach numbers ranging from MT = 0 to MT > 1. The noise prediction tool is applied to the three aforementioned test cases and the results are in very good agreement with the measurements even for the strong shock delocalisation cases.
Date January 2008
CreatorsLoiodice, Sabino
ContributorsDrikakis, Dimitris
PublisherCranfield University
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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