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Ventilator associated pneumonia : analyses of volatile fingerprints for identification of causative microorganisms, assessment of anti-fungals and use of in vitro models for early clinical sample prediction

This study has involved the analysis of volatile fingerprints using a hybrid electronic nose (e-nose) to discriminate between and diagnose the microorganisms which cause ventilator–associated pneumonia (VAP), one of the most important infections in the hospital environment. This infection occurs in hospitalised patients with 48-72 hrs of mechanical ventilation. VAP diagnostics still remains a problem due to the lack of a precise diagnostic tool. The current tests are mostly based on quantitative cultures of samples from the lower lung airways with clinical findings, which do not often result in accurate diagnoses of the disease. Cont/d.
Date January 2011
CreatorsPlanas Pont, Neus
ContributorsMagan, Naresh : Kendall, C.
PublisherCranfield University
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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