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Development of an atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation source for mass spectrometry

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) is an established technique for the analysis, primarily, of large biomolecules, but is also widely applied to many other compounds as well. The development of atmospheric pressure MALDI (AP MALDI)has broadened the horizons for this technique in many ways. These include softer ionisation and simplicity of interfacing to a broader range of instruments on which MALDI can be applied. The study presented here is primarily concerned with the design, construction, development and testing of a novel atmospheric pressure MALDI source. Initially destined to be coupled to a time-of-flight instrument, circumstances dictated that the newly developed source be interfaced with a triple quadrupole instrument, of which this is the only known study. Differences between a pulsed ionisation source and a scanning instrument were overcome and the analyses of many types of compound are illustrated, demonstrating the flexibility of AP MALD!. Additionally, during the course of this study, the temporal pulse shape of the ion packets detected was observed to have a tail. Upon further investigation it was speculated that the information contained within these individual ion packets could provide valuable information concerning the ionisation mechanisms of the MALDI process. Similarities between the data gleaned from the pulse shape work and other ion mobility studies was observed. Finally, a preliminary investigation into the feasibility of capillary ion transport through fine glass tubes was undertaken. The transport properties of the capillaries was studied as a means of remotely transporting ions (or neutral species) created at atmospheric pressure to the vacuum of the mass analyser employed. Extending the length of the capillary could provide a practical method of remote sampling of the ions; an application which may become more important in the future of mass spectrometry.
Date January 2003
CreatorsBlack, Claudie Kate
PublisherSwansea University
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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