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Aerosol contributions to speleothem geochemistry

There is developing interest in cave aerosols due to the increasing awareness of their impacts on the cave environment and speleothems. This study presents the first multidisciplinary investigation into cave aerosols and their contribution to speleothem geochemistry. Modern monitoring of suspended aerosol concentrations, CO2 and temperature in Gough’s Cave, Cheddar Gorge have presented a strong relationship with cave ventilation processes. Temporal variations of aerosol levels have demonstrated the ability of aerosol monitoring to record seasonal ventilation shifts, beyond anthropogenic influences. When used in combination with more established monitoring methods, suspended aerosol monitoring is a beneficial addition to cave environmental studies Theoretical modelling and calculations based on modern aerosol monitoring have established that aerosol contributions are highly variable. Aerosol contributions are of greatest significance under slow growth or hiatus scenarios and high aerosol deposition scenarios. Marine and terrestrial aerosol contributions have been quantified in a flowstone core from New St Michaels Cave, Gibraltar. Additionally, bio-aerosol deposits and bacterial colonisation have been identified as a potential source of trace element bioaccumulation and flowstone coloration in Yarrangobilly Caves, Australia.
Date January 2014
CreatorsDredge, Jonathan
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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