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A study of strategic enrolment management (SEM) in a continuing education institution in Hong Kong : senior and programme management perspectives

The objective of this study is to investigate the dimensions of strategic enrolment management (SEM) in the area of enrolment, retention and graduation from senior and programme management perspectives of a continuing education institution in Hong Kong. How SEM attributes differ at programme level and at institutional level as well as in different programmes of a continuing education institution in Hong Kong are examined. In addition, perceived barriers to implementing SEM and SEM success metrics of a continuing education institution are identified so as to provide a suitable SEM model in a continuing education institution in Hong Kong. The literature on SEM demonstrated that managing enrolment is a global concern and requires institution-wide effort. The key attributes of SEM from the existing literature are marketing, admission, financial aid, academic advising, orientation, retention, career services, learning assistance and institutional research. This study employs a qualitative method, including the use of Atlas.ti, a formal content analysis methodology, with the main source of research data from a series of in-depth individual face-to-face interviews with the twenty participants of a continuing education institution in Hong Kong. The research concludes there are similarities and differences between senior and programme management in the SEM perceptions. The similarities are that both senior and programme management found the attributes of SEM are significant not only to optimize student enrolment, retention and graduation, but also to provide high quality learning experiences for the students. Senior management leads the development of SEM attributes for the institution; programme management designs and oversees the way SEM attributes are carried out and implemented, ensuring all set objectives are achieved as planned to reach institutional aims and mission. In order to achieve enrolment goals and the institutional mission, a continuing education institution in Hong Kong should plan, and implement SEM with the leadership and management of senior and programme levels.
Date January 2014
CreatorsNg, Mei Lan Peggy
ContributorsGalbraith, Craig
PublisherHeriot-Watt University
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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