Interrogating the presence and importance of the Nihonjinron discourse in Japanese Junior High School EFL classrooms

This Modular PhD research project investigates the relationship between \(nihonjinron\) and EFL classroom practices in Japanese junior high schools. Its overarching concerns are Can traces of \(nihonjinron\) be found in the body of data gathered for this module? and How important are these traces to observed EFL practices? By adopting a social realist approach to critical social research, attention is brought to agentive processes – as revealed through ethnographic means of inquiry – in the study of ideological discourse. In the process, the gaps and contradictions between what people say and what they do emerge as important research concerns, and as points of interest in the analysis of the complex links between structural and agentive processes shaping Japanese EFL education in secondary schools. Analysis of the data collected for this module reveals that the presence of \(nihonjinron\) in, and its importance to, observed EFL practices is marginal.
Date January 2016
CreatorsBouchard, Jeremie
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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