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Exploring associated factors and dynamic relationships between lecturers and their engagement with Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)

Background: Much has been written about the way in which technology enhanced learning enables an improved student learning experience by facilitating engagement with greater flexibility and accessibility. For today’s health care graduates, technology enhanced learning can also foster a skill-set to meet the changing face of healthcare delivery. Implementing changes in delivery requires lecturers to be cognisant of constructive pedagogy. However, the dynamics of lecturers’ engagement with technology enhanced learning, in the United Kingdom, remain largely unexplored. Aim: The purpose of this research was to conduct a survey to explore relationships and associated factors which impact on lecturers’ engagement with technology enhanced learning in the delivery of health related education. Methodology: An online questionnaire was developed and extensively piloted. Questions were framed within five dimensions: demography and background information; preferred face to face teaching method; perceptions of the online environment; organisational culture; motivation and learning style. Following the pilot study, an amended version was sent out to 74 universities, of which 49 responded, giving a response rate of 66%. Results: Data were collected over an eight-month timeframe to include 227 lecturers in the final analysis. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysis revealed that whilst lecturers have varying levels of engagement, there has been an overall increase of ‘early adopters’ utilisation of web 2.0 technologies (Rogers, 2003). The survey instrument also revealed significant barriers in transferring between enquiry based learning as the preferred face to face teaching style, use of web 2.0 technologies including wikis, blogs and podcasts, as well as the difficulty experienced and technical ability required, over and above general computer skills already in place. Conclusions: In summary, questions within the survey instrument, including those which measure computer skills, use, and teaching style preference, reveal predictors which impact on engagement with technology enhanced learning. Given the predictive value of the survey instrument, health service education providers, universities, and professional bodies might consider it useful as a means of determining engagement, benchmarking professional development activities, and evidence of progression towards teaching excellence.
Date January 2016
CreatorsJepson, Jennifer
ContributorsDewey, Ann ; Delf, Penelope Jane
PublisherUniversity of Portsmouth
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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