Kin caregivers' perceptions of social worker and agency services and support

Investigates kin caregiver's perceptions about social workers and child welfare agencies they worked with in caring for court dependent relative children who are/were placed in their care. A stratified random sample from 150 interviews of kin caregivers with dependent relative children maintained by San Bernardino and Riverside County Child Protective Services allowed for qualitative analysis of interview responses that related kin caregiver's perceptions of social workers and social service agencies. Results indicate that some relative caregivers were satisfied with the support they received from social workers/agency staff, while others did not feel supported at all.
Date01 January 2005
CreatorsEgan, Diana Ray, Vandom, Meri Lynn
PublisherCSUSB ScholarWorks
Source SetsCalifornia State University San Bernardino
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceTheses Digitization Project

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