石印、科舉和商業化: 清末上海書業研究(1872﹣1905) / Shi yin, ke ju he shang ye hua: Qing mo Shanghai shu ye yan jiu (1872-1905)

清末上海書業之崛起,是關乎近代中國知識生產和傳播的一個重要歷史現象。以往我們對它的認識,在出版史整體史觀和敘事框架的影響下,更多是將其作為歷史敘事時不可或缺的場域和註腳,卻少有學者對其本身的歷史進行專門的檢討。本文擬在引進書籍史、商人團體研究的問題意識和研究經驗的同時,廣泛搜集《申報》有關清末上海書商、書業的新聞、廣告、論說,發掘以往被忽略的檔案資料,積極建構基於上海書業自身的問題意識、發展脈絡和特質,重視書業中的「人」和「群體」在其歷史書寫中的位置,重視他們的經營活動與宏觀文化制度的互動關係。筆者認為,清末上海書業的歷史,是新式的印刷技術、傳統書業的經營習慣、科舉制度下的書籍市場以及上海不同世代書商之「選擇」互動的結果。筆者力圖透過對清末上海書業歷史的審視,展示其複雜性,並期待藉此為豐富我們對清末知識生產和傳播的制度、社會、文化等相關議題的認識,有點滴之助。 / footnote for their historical narratives. However, a study on the history of Shanghai book industry itself is yet to come. By making reference to researches on book history and studies on merchant groups and by extensively collecting materials published on Shenbao concerning Shanghai book dealers, news, advertisements, comments, etc., this paper attempts to discover the awareness of problem, trajectory of development and particularities of the Shanghai book industry. I am going to put emphasis on the “people”, the “groups”, their positions in historical writing as well as the interaction between them and the broad cultural institutions. My viewpoint is that the history of Shanghai book industry in late Qing is the outcome of the interaction among the new-style printing technologies, the traditional practices in book business, the civil examinations as well as the “choices” made by generations of Shanghai book dealers. Through examining the history of Shanghai book industry in late Qing and unraveling its complexities, I hope to make some contributions to our understanding of the institutions on knowledge production and transmission as well as the society and culture in late Qing. / 徐世博. / Thesis Ph.D. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves ). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on …). / Xu shi bo. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.

Date January 2016
Contributors徐世博 (author.), (thesis advisor.), Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School. Division of History. (degree granting institution.), Xu, Shibo (author.)
Source SetsThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
LanguageChinese, English
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeText, bibliography, text
Formatelectronic resource, remote, 1 online resource ( leaves), computer, online resource
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