中國大陸的高等教育擴張為不同階層的學生提供了更多上大學的機會,但與此同時,精英大學中農村學生的比例卻在逐漸下降。與來自城市的同學相比,農村大學生處於資本的弱勢地位,且他們所秉承的舊場域的慣習也與精英大學存在錯配。所有這些使得他們相較於來自城市的同學有著更為艱難的大學適應過程。針對農村大學生進入精英大學之後的學習與適應的研究較少,因此研究者以上海市精英大學的農村學生為對象展開一項質化研究。 / 基於立意取樣,本研究共招募上海市四所精英大學的32 名農村學生,參考社會身份的協商機制,遵循文化建構的階層身份研究進路,同時以資本、場域和慣習的概念分析精英大學中農村學生的階層身份協商過程。那麼,社會分層、長期以來的城鄉二元制以及高校內部的變革如何影響他們的大學生活,究竟他們在精英大學的情境中有怎樣的階層經歷和情感體驗,又是以怎樣的行動來應對這種衝擊與機會共存的環境呢?他們如何協商自己的階層身份呢? / 對本研究的受訪者而言,他們之所以會啟動對於自身階層身份的重新確認過程,乃是因為進入到了一個代表著城市中產階級文化的精英大學。精英大學的場域有著文化場的運行規則,同時也受到社會宏觀結構的影響,因此不可避免地具備權力場的特徵。來自農村低下階層的受訪者們發現,這個場域貶損他們原有的文化、看低他們的先賦階層。又因為受訪者們從相似的先賦社會階層背景走進精英大學的場域之中。所以,他們有著幾乎相似的階層經歷。 / 本研究并不止步於“虧欠進路”分析受訪者的資本弱勢地位和大學期間的不適應,而是在此基礎上,更進一步探討他們的主體行動如何改變這樣一種先賦階層決定的弱勢地位,走向新的身份認同。在新的場域,既有威脅也有機會,本研究藉助資本和慣習的理論審視受訪者在精英大學中採取何種主題行動,並且行動有何結果。資本的積累和慣習的改變不僅是行動的結果,亦成為受訪者重新確認階層身份的錨點。研究認為,受訪者在結構與能動性的交織中進行階層身份的重新協商,二者共同推進了這個過程。他們有著相似的階層位置認同,即都相信自己未來會成為城市的中間階層,但對於自己原來的群體身份則有不同的認識。第一類受訪者否定“農村人”的群體身份,導向了一種達成的階層身份轉換。第二類受訪者一方面認為自己未來會成為城市的中間階層,但另一方面依然認同自己“農村人”的身份,是一種矛盾的階層身份轉換。對“城裡人”和“農村人”這兩種成員資格的不確定性導向了一種模糊的階層身份認同,即他們相信自己未來的社會階層位置會是城市的中間階層,但對於接納“城裡人”的身份,放棄“農村人”的身份認同並不確定,故稱之為模糊的階層身份轉換。 / 基於上述分析,本研究試圖提出中國大陸轉型時期,精英大學中農村大學生階層身份協商的機制。情感回應線索體現了受訪者的主觀能動性的體現,亦是文化建構的階層身份認同過程。社會分層結構、制度安排以及行動者主體行動三者互為交織的階層身份認同過程則是基於階層社會的獎賞機制,行動者本人之行動導致的資本的增長和慣習的改變贏得了此一係統許諾的階層位置的向上流動。因此,精英大學中農村大學生階層身份的協商是結構與能動性交互作用的結果,在本研究中呈現出三中不同的轉換機制:否定的機制導向達成的階層身份,肯定的機制導向矛盾的階層身份以及模糊的機制導向模糊的階層身份。 / 本研究所呈現的精英大學中農村大學生的階層身份協商圖景既包括他們對於自身階層位置的看法,也體現了他們對於農村的不同情感,二者共同構成了他們的階層身份協商結果。這種獨具特色的階層身份協商機制與中國大陸特定的情境相關。轉型時期,社會階層的分化不僅僅以城鄉作為分野,其內部亦存在複雜的分化。本研究的受訪者即為上述二者共同定位的來自社會低下階層的那一群人,他們憑藉主體行動在社會階層的分化中追求向上的流動,但這並不足以支撐他們完成階層身份的轉換,他們還需要處理城鄉的分野中的群體身份認同。因此,對於中國大陸精英大 / The expansion of higher education in Mainland China creates more and more opportunities for students from different backgrounds who want to go to university. However, rates of rural students getting into elite university are in decline these years. Comparing with the urban students, they have limited capitals. Besides, their habitus are mismatched with the field of elite university. All these make their transition and adaptation in campus harder than those of their urban counterparts. But this area has been under-researched in China. In order to investigate this, I conducted a qualitative study of rural students in elite universities in Shanghai. / This research recruited 32 informants of a rural origin who are now studying in four elite universities in Shanghai. This study takes a cultural construction approach and uses the concepts cultural capital, habitus and field to make sense of their negotiation of class identity. / Data analysis shows that most of the informants experienced a strong feeling of “shock of elites”, which activated their process of class identity negotiation. Elite universities arecontrolled by the field of power which is affected by sociopolitical and economic forces, as well as the field of cultural production which obeys the rules of academic logics. The informants found out that in the field of elite universities, their rural culture and ascribed class were looked down upon. Those from humble origins shared common class experiences in elite universities. / Besides describing the difficult transition and adaptation process, this research also try to explore how they react in response to threatens. Actually, elite universities provide not only threatens but also opportunities. This research analyzed the actions and the results of actions in the light of conceptual tools of capital and habitus. Further, their accumulations of capitals and changes of habitus acted as the anchor point in the process of negotiation of class identities. Mainly based on their cultural capitals obtained in elite universities, all the informants expected they would achieve middle class positions in cities. / This research found that informants negotiated their class identities in the interactive influences of structure and agency. They all believed in the upward mobility, but held different views as to their ascribed group identities. Some informants denied their “rural people” identity, which led to the status of shift achieved in class identities. Some informants thought they were still “rural people”, which led to the status of contradictory shift in class identities. Those who were not sure whether they were “rural people” or “urban people” were in the status of ambivalent shift of class identities. Based on the analysis above, this research put forward the mechanism of how rural students negotiate their class identities in elite universities in the shifting period of Mainland China. The clue of emotional reaction reflected the agency of informants as well as the cultural construction process of class identification. The identification process influenced by social stratification, institutional structure and agency of informants obeyed the rules of stratified society, as the accumulations of capital and changes of habitus earned the promised upward mobility in this system. The interaction of structure and agency in the process of how rural students negotiated their class identities in elite universities led to three different negotiate mechanism: affirmative mechanism, negative mechanism and ambivalent mechanism. / From the description above, we may find that in their negotiation process, rural students had to deal with the upward mobility in stratified society, but also the identification between rural and urban. Findings of this study illustrate the specificit / 廖青. / Thesis Ph.D. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves ). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on …). / Liao qing. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
Identifer | |
Date | January 2016 |
Contributors | 廖青 (author.), (thesis advisor.), Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduate School. Division of Education. (degree granting institution.), Liao, Qing (author.) |
Source Sets | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Language | Chinese, English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Text, bibliography, text |
Format | electronic resource, remote, 1 online resource ( leaves), computer, online resource |
Rights | Use of this resource is governed by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International" License ( |
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