Racioethnic differences in job satisfaction : a test of orthogonal cultural identification theory and self-categorization theory

The theories of orthogonal cultural identification and self-categorization are offered as links in examining the possible racioethnic differences in job satisfaction. It is posited that racioethnicity (Cox & Blake, 1991) is multidimensional with at least three conceptually distinct dimensions. Since there is a need for consistent terminology with respect to these distinct dimensions, the following new terms are offered to differentiate among them: " physioethnicity" refers to the physiological dimension of racioethnicity; "socioethnicity" refers to the sociocultural dimension; and "psychoethnicity" refers to the psychological dimension.

Date20 February 1997
CreatorsFriday, Shawnta Shajuan
PublisherFIU Digital Commons
Source SetsFlorida International University
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceFIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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