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Assessment of Glacier Mass Balances from Small Tropical Glaciers to the Large Ice Sheet of Greenland

A combination of field work, modeling, and remote sensing was used to determine mass balances for the Quelccaya Ice Cap in Peru and for parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet. A 40-year history of deglaciation on Quelccaya derived from satellite is presented. Automatic Weather Station and snow pit data throughout Greenland were utilized to determine a mass balance profile for the ice sheet which will serve as a baseline for future comparison. Finally, a series of models were tested in west-central Greenland for their ability to accurately simulate measured melt conditions given hourly observations of the surface meteorology. A new analytical melt model, SOSIM, was developed and tested for this study. / A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Geography in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. / Degree Awarded: Spring Semester, 2007. / Date of Defense: March 23, 2007. / Tropical Glaciers, Arctic, Polar, Remote Sensing, Mass Balance measurements, Peru, Quelccaya Ice Cap, Glacier Mass Balances, Greenland Ice Sheet / Includes bibliographical references. / Jim Elsner, Professor Directing Dissertation; J. Anthony Stallins, Professor Co-Directing Dissertation; Henry Fuelberg, Outside Committee Member; Xiaojun Yang, Committee Member.
ContributorsAlbert, Todd Hayden (authoraut), Elsner, Jim (professor directing dissertation), Stallins, J. Anthony (professor co-directing dissertation), Fuelberg, Henry (outside committee member), Yang, Xiaojun (committee member), Department of Geography (degree granting department), Florida State University (degree granting institution)
PublisherFlorida State University
Source SetsFlorida State University
LanguageEnglish, English
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeText, text
Format1 online resource, computer, application/pdf

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