by Isabel Landreth Perkins / Typescript / M.A. Florida State College for Women 1935 / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 135-138)
Identifer | |
Contributors | Perkins, Isabel Landreth (author) |
Source Sets | Florida State University |
Language | English, English |
Detected Language | English |
Type | Text, bibliography, text, Academic theses |
Format | 138 leaves ; 29 cm, print |
Rights |, Use of this item is provided for non-commercial, personal, educational, and research use only. The written permission of the copyright owners and/or their rights holders may be required for distribution, reproduction, or other use beyond that allowed by fair use and other statutory exemptions (see Title 17, U.S.C.) if the copyright was renewed. If for any reason authors or other rights holders have concerns about having their theses included as part of this collection, they can notify us at and the work may be removed after review. |
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